DWM Variable Labels    (Click here to view this list as a CSV file)

Variable NameLabel
PLT_CNFIA plot sequence number
state_nameState abbreviation
PLOTFIA Phase 2 plot number
MEASYEARFIA measurement year
cond_countNumber of FIA plot conditions
INTENSITYFIA phase 2 intensity code
LATLatitude in decimal degrees (FIA fuzzed)
LONLongitude in decimal degrees (FIA fuzzed)
ELEVElevation (feet)
ECOSUBCDFIA ecological subsection code
subsec_name Ecological subsection name
sectionEcological section code
section_name Ecological section name
provinceEcological province code
prov_nameEcological province name
OWNCDFIA owner class code
OWNGRPCDFIA owner group code
STDORGCDFIA stand origin code
STDAGEFIA stand age
PHYSCLCDFIA physiographic class code
treetypePlot designation for tree type (all FIA timberland; all FIA woodland; mixed timberland/woodland)
fortype_groupName of FIA forest type group
TYPGRPCDFIA forest type group code
SPCD1_nameScientific name of species with most basal area at dbh
SPCD1 FIA code of species with most basal area at dbh
SPCD2_nameScientific name of species with 2nd most basal area at dbh
SPCD2 FIA code of species with 2nd most basal area at dbh
SPCD3_nameScientific name of species with 3rd most basal area at dbh
SPCD3 FIA code of species with 3rd most basal area at dbh
live_treesLive tree count on plot
dead_treesDead tree count on plot
cut_treesCut tree count on plot
l_bahLive tree basal area at dbh (m2/ha)
l_tphLive trees (No./ha)
l_qmdLive tree quadratic mean diameter at dbh (cm)
d_bahDead tree basal area at dbh (m2/ha)
d_tphDead trees (No./ha)
d_qmdDead tree quadratic mean diameter at dbh (cm)
remeasuredRemeasured DWM (yes or no)
measurementMeasurement number (1st or 2nd)
ms_p3gridMississippi phase 3 grid
P3PANELFIA phase 3 panel number
tranlen_cwdTotal horizontal transect length for CWD sample (ft)
tranlen_fwd_lgTotal horizontal transect length for large FWD sample (ft)
tranlen_fwd_md_smTotal horizontal transect length for medium and small FWD sample (ft)
num_duff_ptsNumber of duff points sampled
num_litter_ptsNumber of litter points sampled
num_shrub_herbNumber of understory microplots sampled
l_agbm_Jenk Live aboveground biomass using Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
l_bgbm_Jenk Live belowground biomass using Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
d_agbm_Jenk Dead aboveground biomass using Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
d_bgbm_Jenk Dead belowground biomass using Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
l_agbm_ChojLive aboveground biomass using Chojnacky's update of Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
l_bgbm_ChojLive belowground biomass using Chojnacky's update of Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
d_agbm_ChojDead aboveground biomass using Chojnacky's update of Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
d_bgbm_ChojDead belowground biomass using Chojnacky's update of Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
ld_total_bm_Choj Total live and dead above- and belowground biomass using Chojnacky's update of Jenkins' equations (Mg/ha)
l_agbm_FIA Live FIA aboveground biomass excluding foliage (Mg/ha)
l_bgbm_FIALive FIA belowground biomass (Mg/ha)
d_agbm_FIADead FIA aboveground biomass (Mg/ha)
d_bgbm_FIADead FIA belowground biomass (Mg/ha)
CARBON_DOWN_DEADFIA modeled carbon in down dead (Mg/ha)
CARBON_LITTERFIA modeled carbon in litter (Mg/ha)
CARBON_SOIL_ORGFIA modeled carbon in soil organic matter (Mg/ha)
CARBON_UNDERSTORY_AGFIA modeled carbon in aboveground understory (Mg/ha)
CARBON_UNDERSTORY_BGFIA modeled carbon in belowground understory (Mg/ha)
cwdCoarse woody detritus >3 inch diameter (Mg/ha)
fwd_lgFine woody detritus 1-3 inch diameter (Mg/ha)
fwd_mdFine woody detritus 0.25-1.0 inch diameter (Mg/ha)
fwd_smFine woody detritus <0.25 inch diameter (Mg/ha)
fwd_totalTotal fine woody detritus (Mg/ha)
duffDuff (Mg/ha)
litterLitter (Mg/ha)
l_herb_agbmLive herb biomass (Mg/ha)
d_herb_agbmDead herb biomass (Mg/ha)
l_shrub_agbmLive shrub biomass (Mg/ha)
d_shrub_agbmDead shrub biomass (Mg/ha)
ld_hs_agbm_totalTotal live and dead, herb and shrub biomass (Mg/ha)
cwd_commentCWD comments
fwd_commentFWD comments
duf_lit_commentDuff and litter comments
shb_hrb_commentShrub and herb comments
p2_commentPhase-2 variable comments