About this Map

This interactive map is based on data and images provided by several groups within the university. The map is subject to continual change as the university grows, new features are added, and outdated information is purged from the databases that supply map information.

Navigation features of this map (category search, featured places, etc) are currently only accurate to the building level. The position of the "pointer" or other indicator graphics should not be interpreted to identify the specific room in which a point of interest is located.

At this time, street address searches require the exact address in order to yield a result. Details on the new street addresses can be found here.

The "Find my Location" feature relies on your browser's geolocation service (what's this?) to arrive at a best guess of where you are. The accuracy of this estimate may vary dramatically.

Access routes may be blocked by construction or maintenance work – users should check the University Projects page, Land Disturbing Projects page and/or the Universal Access Map to see if their planned route could be impacted.

We invite users to help us improve the quality and accuracy of the map by letting us know of omissions, problems, or new features you would like to see added to the map. You can contact us by sending an email to webmaster@vt.edu -- thank you for your valuable input!